Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Lab 5 Mask Selection

In this lab we used the Quick Mask Technique in Photoshop. first we used the quick Mask Selection, after we used the Brush selection adjusted the size and hardness and began to move the icon across a selected spot. we then click the Mask option on the bottom, clicked the Select tile at the top and clicked inverse and got a black background like in the screenshot. After i then simply switched the masks and increased the size of them to create a bobble head effect. this tool is very good for effects and such. its especially important in the future so we can make effects for a client. Therefore the Mask Selection.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Lab 1 Image Adjustments

In this lab we created a display on the 5 different types of camera angles. the objective of this lab was to create a display of the image adjustments by taking pictures in different ways as you can see. the way i did it was that i took multiple pictures and chose which ones was the best. after i created a project in regards to the different ways i took the pictures. this lab is especially important because if it wasn't for the images you can't be creative with a typical pictures thats why its called Photoshop. i can see myself doing this for a client if they ask for a collage or something, very important.

Lab 2 Lemon Head

In this lab, i created a melon face using the the selection tools like Rectangular Marquee, Elliptical Marquee etc. The objective of this lab was to create a unique melon head while using the selection tools to cut, copy and rearrange them to create a melon face. First what i did was cut out all the vegetables using the Rectangular Marquee tool, then i cut out the white excess parts using the Elliptical Marquee tool then rearrange the layers. photoshop was an option when dealing with these selections. these tools are incredibly relevant to Photoshop because it allows you to select a certain part to work on and get it to the way you want it. so, therefore this lab was very enjoyable.

Self Evaluation 13 Day Mark

During the 13 Day Mark i feel like this is the class for me. i feel like there are some things i can improve on during those first 13 days but overall i can see myself graduating from this class with a  certification for Visual Design. i feel like i can improve on the efficiency of me doing my homework on time. when i get home i tend to dose off and forget about my homework and half the time i end up not doing it or rushing it. it also tends to catch up on me according to my grade. But i feel in the long run that i will succeed in this class and eventually graduate from it. So therefore, in the future i feel i can do something with this.

Color Scheme

in this screenshot i created a unique color scheme using the arrows located inside the circle. these 5 colors represents my personality in 5 different phases. light blue represents my laid back personality, purple is for my level of  respect, red is for the aggressive part of me, orange is for being forgiving, and yellow is for happiness. i created these unique colors by dragging the 5 arrows to a preferred color scheme and there is your color.

Monday, October 20, 2014

How do we take notes?


The way you take notes is as easy as writing what is projected towards you. Also your thoughts must work in harmony with the information being provided. Therefore when you take notes be sure to keep it clean, neat and organized so you do not get confused.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Lab 4 Image Adjustment Part 2

In this lab i incorporated a few skills used in Photoshop. using Hue, Saturation,Replace Color, and black and white to create almost a presentation of all adjustments. To use these tools you must go to the image file, click adjustment ang toggle either Hue, Saturation, or Replace Color. therefore when your finished just press enter.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Lab 3 Image Adjustment

In this lab i learned how to toggle image adjustment. I used the Hue/Saturation selection to create a vibrate view of the image shown.i used the leveler to create a certain particular color to show a color scale so to speak. i see myself using this for my personal use in the long run my down time.


Thursday, October 2, 2014


1. In Photoshop, the first step to using the Magnetic Lasso Tool is to first click on it, drag it to your preferred spot and drag the icon around the preferred object.

2. In Photoshop the first step in using the Magic Wand is to first click on the tool, and click to use it around your picture.

3. Using the Quick Selection tool in like manner with the first two you must first toggle it, then click on the preferred spot.

4. First we enter Blogger then we click New Post, type in your preferred message, then click publish.