Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Project 4 Reflection

         In this project i created a silhouette using a host of different tools. Also we also chosen a person or character that we ourselves like. In my case i picked a recording artist called Chief Keef. I chose this character because i truly love his music, his fashion and his sound. He almost inspires me to be a rapper. So, therefore this is the reason why i picked or chosen Chief Keef as my silhouette for this project in particular.

         In this project, we had to save images in regards to our characters hobby and what he is associated with. In this case i used a Microphone his Recording Label his Music Group logo, his clothing line and the shoes that he physically wears himself. I used these specific because i knew that this is what my character is associated with in his life.

         According to this project, i incorporated a host of different tools such as the Mask/selection.
This tool i feel was one of the most important tools of all used in this project it allows you to select a layer option. This tool brings the whole project together in other words. Also another part of this project that is important was the text it allowed me to write words that associate with it. For example, in mine i wrote His Label, his rap group and everything else associated with him. But, overall in this project there wasn't very much that didn't work out, but what i would really say was the path tool that trip me up. So, therefore this is the reason i picked him for my silhouette.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lab 6

In this lab we used image resizing and grids to create a host of different sizes of pictures. First, we placed the grid in place and fitted it on screen. We then proceeded to place 4 different pictures in different sizes and fitted them according to instruction. We then adjusted them to equal resolution and proportion to make it look neat and clear on screen. i feel that this tool, even though basic is important because nobody likes anything that is sloppy, disorganized and disoriented. So, therefore i can see myself using this in the near future.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Marking Period 1 Self Evaluation

Marking Period 1, was a big surprise i feel. The reason so is because when i first came into Web Design i felt that it was going to slow down for me and completing labs/ projects were going to be a walk in the park so to speak. But i was clearly over myself because it was a complete opposite meaning that the homework was challenging and required research, test and labs were serious and requires precision and complete focus, as well as projects. I also learned something else, which was note taking skills. Even though theres instruction sheets it still required to copy details and procedures to complete the project correctly. So, therefore the first Marking Period was a big surprise.

Detail Oriented

Detail and Procedures are two of the most important thing not only to Photoshop and Web Designing but also in life so to speak. The reason being is because following procedure and details allow for you to understand what you are doing and how your supposed to do it. This also serves as an advantage over other people that do not understand. So, therefore through following Procedure and Detail comes comprehension and understanding.

Project 1 Photoshop Mask Adjustments/Enhancement

In this project we used a host of different tools and selections to create this adjustment. First, we placed a picture needed. then, we had to start with a selection so we chose the mask selection. Then adjusted the the size and hardness to 100%. After we carefully traced along the sides the selection tool and after made my selection. after i clicked select, inverse. Then we put a solid background which was orange as you can see and then added features and saturation as well as hue to add decoration. so, therefore if you take all these selections into consideration you end up with something like this. so, therefore in real life this especially important because people like to make things enticing to other people through Photoshop. Therefore, once again making this apart of your future can be beneficial.

Project 2 Warhol Portrait

Andy Warhol was an artist who was a specialist at Pop Art. Andy Warhol was a very skilled artist and insisted on creating a masterpiece. That’s why if it was up to me, I would definitely buy his art work because it adds boldness and attention to a room its almost like you cant miss it. Therefore when you walk into a room and you see a solid background with multiple different colors just know its Andy Warhol.

Andy Warhols art reminds me of a comic book or a video game especially. The reason so is because the colors and the varieties of it adds an exciting emotion to the art that he creates, its truly exciting. Back then, Critics in popular culture criticize the work that is popular, but telling from this its hard to criticize because the simplicity in it makes it so enjoyable. Therefore, Andy Warhol knew ways to gain peoples attention.

 Andy Warhols color, shape, balance, and unity are different from other artwork because its a more appealing to the eye type of display. He takes all of these elements and blend them toegether to create something amazing which was Pop Art. With out him portraits wouldn’t be important to us in the future. This is why when I was creating my own portrait, I felt great because I can actually make something Andy Warhol did himself. So therefore through using
Saturation, Black/White Adjustments and Brightness and a host of different Mask Tool, Rectangular Marquee Tool, Pen Tool and the Eraser Tool I can finally say that Andy Warhol put portraits and Pop Art where it is today.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pop Refection Questions

1. Andy Warhol was an artist who was a specialist at Pop Art.
2. I would definitely buy his art work because it adds boldness and attention to a room its almost like you cant miss it.
3. Andy Warhols art reminds me off a comic book or a video Game especially.
4. I feel it is pleasant because of the colors he uses.
5. Critics in popular culture criticize the work that is popular
6. An informed opinion is when its an organized well thought out idea or feeling, but an uninformed opinion is nothing but what it is off somebodys mind.
7. Taste is what you prefer, Bias is when you flat out doesn't like something.
8. Andy Warhols color, shape, balance, and unity are different from other artwork because its a more appealing to the eye type of display.
9. Portraits are important to us because it allows us to see ourselves.
10. Artist painted portraits to entertain themselves and show the inner beauty in themselves.
11. I feel great because I can actually make something Andy Warhol did himself.
12. I created it using Saturation, Black/White Adjustments and Brightness helped to create my portrait.
13. I used the Mask Tool, Rectangular Marquee Tool, Pen Tool and the Eraser Tool.
14. Don't really seeing myself using it but its a great way to be creative.