Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lab 11

In this lab we used a Video Timeline to create a short skit of moving polygons and shapes. We used Triangle shapes, Ellipse Shapes, Fx for our backgrounds to create a colorful and unique display of moving shapes and polygons. First we placed a polygon and background display in place , then we put the number of frames and seconds we want in our GIF. You can put as many polygons and shapes as you want in a GIF. Therefore, we can use this Lab in a PowerPoint or a Presentation to make it unique and beautiful. Therefore, Lab 11

Friday, February 13, 2015

CTE Expo

In the CTE Expo we experienced many different things during the event. In the CTE Expo we had a showcase of Web Design displays, games, and display board on display for the public to see, from Sophomores to Seniors. There, we explained to the Freshman's the in and outs of Web Design class and how it works during there stay in Web Design.

           The Expo was located in the Web Design Room in room 237 to the far corner of the hallway. A host of Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors were there to help put together this program for the Freshman's to walk around and get a quick glimpse of what we do here by devoting there time to create there projects and put them on display. The, result of this Expo was to leave a great impression on the younger soon to be Web Designers, on this class. It was truly very exciting.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Business Card Project Reflection/Evaluation

In this project we use different displays and layouts to create a very unique and gorgeous display board incorporating our business card and unique logos. Personally, during this project i used many different examples and layouts to organize and reform my project in a correct manner. I looked at displays like Science Fair Projects, Web Design Projects, Business Displays etc. I feel that, following these different projections it helps me to follow directions and plan out very precisely what i would want to incorporate in my projection. But although there are many displays to use as examples, the formation of your project is to be created by you. I feel i could've put a little bit more information, pictures, and more details on my display board in regards to my logo and business cards. But besides that, I feel my project was great. So, therefore my Reflection/Evaluation on my Business Card Project.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Self Evaluation Fall Semester

In the Fall Semester, there was a lot of things to learn and to experience along the way. There was a lot of vital information we needed to grasp on to. This Fall Semester I learned a lot about the tools and features in both InDesign and Photoshop CS6. There were also a lot of easy, enjoyable and most importantly fun in this Semester. I feel the labs were an easy way to grasp my interest while still incorporating the reason why i applied here, which was to have fun. While there was Enjoyable and Fun parts there was also a lot of difficult and Challenging parts in this Semester. I feel the most challenging out of the majority was the projects and exams. It created a lot of problems in my overall grade point average. But i know i can improve in this class by simply just submitting my work to the teacher. So therefore the Fall Semester Rap Up.