Friday, March 20, 2015

Brochure Project

Page 1, 3 and 6
Page 2, 4 and 5
In this project, we used InDesign CS6 to create a creative and innovative Brochure about our desired topic. We also used Photoshop CS6 to create examples and figures to explain our desired topics. For Example, since my group was focusing on Photoshop and the origins of it, we took picture like "Before & Afters" and the Photoshop Logo to explain further our topic. We used InDesign to put all our research and ideas into 6 pages of work. For Example, we described the "History of Photoshop", the "Purpose of Photoshop", "The different Tools" and etc. But overall this project is basically practice for the future when clients/ customers ask for brochures and we will be able to provide them with one. So, therefore our Brochure Project.

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